Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Two Simple Ways To Save Time In Your Day.

Do the days seem to get away from you? Not keeping to your schedule or maybe you don’t have a schedule? Here are some time management tips that will help you get things under control.

Set Time Limits

What eats most into your time? When you look at what eats up most of your time it is usually e-mail, web surfing, and television. Don’t turn off your electronics. Instead set time limits for these activities. Decide upon an amount of time you will do each and stick to it. Just following this time management tip will free up tons of your time.


Set up times when you don’t check email, answer your phone, or gab with coworkers or friends. During these time periods do the things that are most productive. These are activities which contribute to your health, wealth, and spiritual/mental well being. This is the most important time management tip of all. Spending quality time focusing upon productive activities without any distractions will make you incredibly productive. You will see the benefits of following this one tip within weeks.

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